CAMACHO, G. P.; PIE, M. R.; FEITOSA, R. M.; BARBEITOS, M. S. Exploring gene tree incongruence at the origin of ants and bees (Hymenoptera). ZOOLOGICA SCRIPTA, v. 48, p. 215-225, 2019.

SANTOS, C. S.; PIE, M. R.; DA ROCHA, T. C.; NAVARRO-SILVA, M. A. PLOS ONE, v. 14, p. e0212517, 2019. Molecular identification of blood meals in mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) in urban and forested habitats in southern Brazil. PLOS ONE, v. 14, p. e0212517, 2019.


OSTRENSKY, A.; HORODESKY, A.; FAORO, H.; BALSANELLI, E.; SFEIR, M. Z. T.; COZER, N.; PIE, M. R.; DAL PONT, G.; CASTILHO-WESTPHAL, G. G. Metagenomic evaluation of the effects of storage conditions on the bacterial microbiota of oysters Crassostrea gasar (Adanson, 1757). JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, v. 125, p. 1435-1443, 2018.


PIE, M. R.; STRÖHER, P. R.; BORNSCHEIN, M. R.; RIBEIRO, L. F.; FAIRCLOTH, B. C.; MCCORMACK, J. E. The mitochondrial genome of Brachycephalus brunneus (Anura: Brachycephalidae), with comments on the phylogenetic position of Brachycephalidae. BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY, v. 71, p. 26-31, 2017.

PIE, M. R.; STROHER, P. R.; AGOSTINIS, A. O.; BELMONTE-LOPES, R.; TADRA-SFEIR, M. Z.; OSTRENSKY, A. Development of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of the golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei, Mytilidae) in environmental samples. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS, v. 89, p. 1041-1045, 2017.

AGOSTINIS, A. O.; DAL PONT, G.; HORODESKY, A.; PIE, M. R.; OSTRENSKY, A. Is There Detectable Long-term Depletion of Genetic Variation in Freshwater Fish Species Affected by an Oil Spill? WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, v. 228, p. 228-256, 2017.


ZENKER, M. M.; ROUGERIE, R.; TESTON, J. A.; LAGUERRE, M.; PIE, M. R.; FREITAS, A. V. L. Fast Census of Moth Diversity in the Neotropics: A Comparison of Field-Assigned Morphospecies and DNA Barcoding in Tiger Moths. PLOS ONE, v. 11, p. e0148423, 2016.

FIRKOWSKI, C. R.; BORNSCHEIN, M. R.; RIBEIRO, L. F.; PIE, M. R. Species delimitation, phylogeny and evolutionary demography of co-distributed, montane frogs in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION (Print), v. 100, p. 345-360, 2016.

STRÖHER, P. R.; ZARZA, E.; TSAI, W. L. E.; MCCORMACK, J. E.; FEITOSA, R. M.; PIE, M. R. The mitochondrial genome of Octostruma stenognatha and its phylogenetic implications. INSECTES SOCIAUX (Printed ed.), v. 64, p. 149-154, 2016.


STRÖHER, P. R.; CHENHONG, L.; PIE, M .R. Exon-primed intron-crossing (EPIC) markers as a tool for ant phylogeography. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENTOMOLOGIA (Impresso), v. 4, p. 427-430, 2013.


BELMONTE-LOPES, R.; BRAVO, G. A.; BORNSCHEIN, M. R.; MAURICIO, G. N.; PIE, M. R.; BRUMFIELD, R. T. Genetic and morphological data support placement of Myrmotherula gularis (Spix) in the monotypic genus Rhopias Cabanis and Heine (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae). ZOOTAXA (Auckland. Print), v. 3451, p. 1-16, 2012.


PIE, M. R.; BOEGER, W. A.; PATELLA, L.; VICENTE, V. A.; RIBEIRO, R. O.; OSTRENSKY, A. Specific primers for the detection of the black-yeast fungus associated with lethargic crab disease (LCD). DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS, v. 94, p. 73-75, 2011.

PIL, M. W.; BOEGER, M. R. T.; MUSCHNER, V. C.; PIE, M. R.; OSTRENSKY, A.; BOEGER, W. A. Postglacial north-south expansion of populations of Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) along the Brazilian coast revealed by microsatellite analysis. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, p. 1031-1039, 2011.

BAGGIO, R. A.; PIL, M. W.; BOEGER, W. A.; PATELLA, L. A.; OSTRENSKY, A.; PIE, M. R. Genetic evidence for multiple paternity in the mangrove land crab Ucides cordatus (Decapoda: Ocypodidae). MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH (Print), v. 7, p. 520-524, 2011.

STRÖHER, P. R.; FIRKOWSKI, C. R.; FREIRE, A. S.; PIE, M. R. A molecular method for the detection of sally lightfoot crab larvae (Grapsus grapsus, Brachyura, Grapsidae) in plankton samples. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Impresso), v. 34, p. 529-531, 2011.


PIE, M. R.; BAGGIO, R. A.; BOEGER, W. A.; PATELLA, L. A.; OSTRENSKY, A.; VITULE, J. R. S.; ABILHOA, V. Molecular data reveal a diverse Astyanax species complex in the upper Iguaçu River. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, v. 75, p. 2357-2362, 2009.


PESTANA, D.; PIE, M. R.; OSTRENSKY, A.; BOEGER, W. A. Seasonal variation in larval density of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in the Iguaçu and Paraná Rivers, in the region of Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Southern Brazil. BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008.

PESTANA, D.; OSTRENSKY, A.; BOEGER, W. A.; PIE, M. R. The effect of temperature and body size on filtration rates of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) under laboratory conditions. BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008.

PIE, M. R.; OLIVEIRA-NETO, J. F.; BOEGER, W. A.; BAGGIO, R. A. The organization of the mitochondrial control region in two brachyuran crustaceans: Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae) and Cardisoma guanhumi (Gecarcinidae). JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, v. 99, p. 432-437, 2008.


PIE, M. R.; TORRES, R. A.; BRITO, D. M. A. Evolution of genome size in fishes: A phylogenetic test of the Hinegardner and Rosen hypothesis. GENETICA (The Hague), v. 131, p. 51-58, 2007.

OLIVEIRA-NETO, J. F.; BOEGER, W. A.; PIE, M. R.; OSTRENSKY, A.; HUNGRIA, D. B. Genetic structure of populations of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) at local and regional scales. HYDROBIOLOGIA (The Hague), v. 586, p. 69-76, 2007.

OLIVEIRA-NETO, J. F.; PIE, M. R.; BOEGER, W. A.; OSTRENSKY, A.; BAGGIO, R. A. Population genetics and evolutionary demography of Ucides cordatus (Decapoda: Ocypodidae). MARINE ECOLOGY, v. 28, p. 460-469, 2007.

BOEGER, W. A.; PIE, M. R.; FALLEIROS, R. M.; OSTRENSKY, A.; DARRIGRAN, G.; MANSUR, M. C. D.; BELZ, C. E. Testing a molecular protocol to monitor the presence of golden mussel larvae (Limnoperna fortunei) in plankton samples. JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH, v. 29, p. 1015-1019, 2007.


PIE, M. R.; BOEGER, W. A.; PATELLA, L. A.; FALLEIROS, R. M. A fast and accurate molecular method for the detection of larvae of the golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Mollusca: Mytilidae) in plankton samples. JOURNAL OF MOLLUSCAN STUDIES, Oxford, v. 72, p. 218-219, 2006.

PIE, M. R.; ALVARES, L. E. Evolution of myostatin in vertebrates: is there evidence for positive selection? MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION (Print), v. 41, p. 730-734, 2006.

PIE, M. R. Evolution of genome size: A phylogenetic test of the DNA loss hypothesis. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS, v. 47, p. 1-3, 2006.

PIE, M. R; RIBEIRO, R. O.; BOEGER, W. A.; OSTRENSKY, A.; FALLEIROS, R. M.; ANGELO, L. A simple PCR-RFLP method for the discrimination of native and introduced oyster species (Crassostrea brasiliana, C. rhizophorae and C. gigas; Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured in Southern Brazil. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH (Print), v. 37, p. 1598-1600, 2006.